Whats Happening?
This event is totally free to the customer.. only the film showings are charged for. But you don't have to book to watch one of the the outdoor movies to enjoy this event.. that's just an added extra!
There are other things to do too.
With Art activities, Library and Story telling in Paddington Wood, Circus school, Dance and flash mob sessions, Haribo Sunflower making, Flower Hair garlands, Nail design and Massage....as well as lots of other surprises there is plenty to go and do between sandwiches and strawberry tarts.
A little stroll through the little woodland glade will take you to the Burghwallis Pub which has a full programme of live music, Stalls and a selections of food and drink options.
We have the famous Queen Elizabeard on the decks to get you up dancing and Fraser Sugden to lead you in a giant flash mob! We will have you dancing around your sandwiches.
After the early evening film we will be hosting a closing ceremony and fireshow, here we will invite everyone to light their lanterns and hold them aloft as we leave the venue silently in quiet reflection.
We will have a number of areas set aside to acknowledge the Ukrainian refugee struggle. There will be a peace garden and wish tree where you can leave your messages hung on the tree. These will be sent to refugee families after the event.
Activities are free but a donation is welcome to help us raise funds for our Ukrainian friends.