Burghwallis- Birth place of Paddington Bear.
Burghwallis- The Birthplace of Paddington!!

Did you know that Paddington Bear was first brought to life right here in the village?
For Shirley Clarkson
( Mother of Jeremy) made the first bears for her son and daughter Joanna for Christmas 1971, complete with little duffel coats, wellies - and of a course, a miniature suitcase for those all important marmalade sandwiches.
The bears were so widely admired that she decided to make and sell them, first from the family home in Burghwallis and then later, as business boomed, Gabrielle Designs was formed and premises found alongside the A1.
Inspired by the popular Michael Bond books, the family’s farmhouse kitchen was the production line for many years before the arrival of The Bear Garden, as it was dubbed.
Shirley with pictures of her children, Jeremy and Joanna, who she made the first bears for.
When the then owner of the property, Alistair Owens put Home Farm up for sale in 2012 after buying it from the Clarksons in 1987, he said: “The house was best known for Paddington when we bought it and we certainly had one or two people knocking at the door asking to meet him when we first moved in.
“I know Eddie (Shirley’s husband) used to make marmalade sandwiches for any children that visited,” he said.
We are delighted to be able to bring Paddington to this years celebrations and will be showing the Paddington Movie in the afternoon slot, presenting story telling and arts activities in the woodland area.
The perfect British film for a jubilee celebration.
Book your tickets for the movie HERE. ( tickets on sale soon)